Basic First Aid Course (including CPR/AED) with English interpreters 英語通訳を伴う救急法基礎講習を開催します
The Japanese Red Cross Society is working towards promoting such procedures as first aid by the implementation of courses. These courses are offered in accordance with the Red Cross' principles of humanity, specially speaking, "making efforts towards the prevention and alleviation of human sufferings for the purpose of protecting life and health, and dignity."
As many people asked if they could participate in a first aid course in English, we have decided to meet the needs and have our Basic First Aid course with English interpreters!
In this course, we will invite our first aid instructors to give lectures in Japanese and volunteer interpreters from the Japanese Red Cross Language Service Volunteers to translate into English.
About Basic First Aid Course
Please bring your family and friends to the course!
Japanese Red Cross Society will keep working for delivering the correct knowledge and techniques of first aid based on the spirit of humanity to more and more people.